

点击关注☛ 中小学师生 2022-10-12


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Listening Part (50分)



(   )1. A. for    B. from  C. friend  (   )2. A. nine   B. fine    C. nice

(   )3. A. go     B. no    C. oh      (   )4. A. blue   B. brown   C. black

(   )5. A. China  B. Canada   C. America



  ()           ()              ()      ()              ()         ()          



         (   )              (   )            (   )               (   )              (   )               (   )       


(   )1. A. My name is Amy.     B. Hello, Amy.       C. I\\\\'m from China.

(   )2. A. I\\\\'m from America.   B. This is Mike.     C. This is a boy.

(   )3. A. Good morning!       B. Good afternoon!   C. Goodbye!

(   )4. A. That\\\\'s right.       B. No, thanks.       C. Sure, here you are.


(   ) I\\\\'m from Canada.

(   ) This is my friend, Tutu.

(   ) Nice to meet you.

(   ) Where are you from?

Writing Part (50分)



         (    )        (    )         (    )        (    )        (    )





apple       dog      student    Coke      elephant    girl


(   )1.A. I\\\\'m from China.   B. I\\\\'m from Canada.    C. I\\\\'m from America.

(   )2.A. Goodbye, Mike!    B. Hello, I\\\\'m Mike.    C. A A A, say “OK”!

(   )3.A. This is a ball.   B. This is a balloon.  C. Bounce the ball.

(   )4.A. This is a girl.   B. This is a boy.      C. This is a teacher.

(   )5.A. Act like a cat.   B. Act like a duck.    C. Act like a dog.

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

五、 根据<A>栏中的问句,在<B>栏中选出正确答语。(8分)

           <A>                                 <B>

(   )1.How old are you?                 A. Thank you.

(   )2.Happy birthday!                  B. One cake.

(   )3.How many cakes?                  C. I\\\\'m fine, thanks.

(   )4.How are you?                     D. I\\\\'m nine.


(   )1. 别人跟你说“I\\\\'m sorry.”你应该回答:             

    A. Come in.      B. Oh, no.            C. It\\\\'s OK.

(   )2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说:             

    A. I\\\\'m China.    B. I\\\\'m from China.    C. My name is China.

(   )3. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说:           

    A. Look at me.   B. Watch out.         C. Thank you.

(   )4. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以问:                       

    A. How are you?      B. What\\\\'s your name?      C. Where are you from?

(   )5. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说:                     

A. May I have a look?  B. Have some chicken.   C. Can I have some chicken?


Unit 1   Welcome Back to School

Listening content:


1. Small letter e.  2. Big letter D.  3. Small letter b.

4. Big letter A.    5. Big letter C.


1. This is my friend.  2. Oh, it\\\\'s nice.  3. Let\\\\'s go to school.

4. Brown, brown, touch the ground.  5. I\\\\'m from America.


1. D D D, make a “D”.          2. Look, this is a cat.

3. How many pencils? Three.      4. Draw a girl, a girl please.

5. Show me A B C.                6. This is a boy.


1. Hello, I\\\\'m Amy. I\\\\'m from America.   2. E E E, drink some tea.

3. B B B, touch your knee.             4. Smell the chicken.

5. C C C, look and see.                6. This is a duck.


1. What\\\\'s your name?     2. Where are you from?  

3. Good afternoon!       4. Have some juice.


1. This is my friend, Tutu.

2. Nice to meet you.

3. Where are you from?

4. I\\\\'m from Canada.


Listening Part

一、e    D    b    A    C

二、C C A B C


四、1 5 4 3 6 2

五、A A B B

六、4 1 2 3

Writing Part

一、3 5 1 2 4    二、(略)   三、(略)

四、A C B C C

五、D A B C

六、C B B C A





(    )1. A. i              B. E               C. G

(    )2. A. four           B. floor             C. door

(    )3. A. goose          B. good            C. girl

(    )4. A. doll           B. board            C. ball

(    )5. A. classroom      B. classmate        C. computer

(    )6. A. me            B. many           C. near

(    )7. A. what          B. where           C. who

(    )8. A. hat           B. cat               C. hand

(    )9. A. desk          B. doctor             C. duck

(    )10. A. farmer       B. fish                C. beef


1. (   )  2.  (    )  3. (   )

4.  (    )   5.   (   )


    (      )                (      )         (      )


      (      )     (      )        


Clean the board

Put up the picture

Sweep the floor

Open the door







(    ) 1.  A. Thank you.         B. Three.           C. It’s near the door.

(    ) 2.  A. Fifteen.            B. There’s a ruler.     C. It’s pink.

(    ) 3.  A. Good idea.         B. Yes.            C. Thank you.

(    ) 4.  A. It’s blue.           B. Sorry.          C. It’s a desk.

(    ) 5.  A. Sorry.             B. OK.            C. Thank you.


(    ) 1. Amy and Mike have a new classroom.

(    ) 2. The desks and chairs are old.

(    )3. Amy’s seat is near the door.

(    )4. There are twelve lights in the classroom.

(    )5. They want to clean the classroom.



写字板_____    电脑_____       讲桌_____灯_____      

图画______      电扇_____地板______   墙______


(   )1、A、cake   B、grapes   C、face   D、hat  

(   )2、A、apple   B、cat   C、snake   D、bag

(   )3、A、baby  B、happy  C、table  D、eraser

(   )4、A、hamburger  B、can  C、dad  D、make

(   )5、A、classmate  B、plate  C、have  D、game


 ( ) 1.Is this the washroom? ______________

        A. Yes, it is.          B.No, it is.           C.No, it isn’t.

 ( )2. The library is on the ______ floor.

         A.one               B.two               C.second

 ( )3.Let’s go and _______

         A.have look          B.have a look             C.look at

 ( )4. Do you have lunch ____ school?

          A.in                  B.at                     C.on

 ( )5. How many ______ are there in your school?

         A.student             B.students               C.studentes

( )6._____ way, please.

A. This               B.That                    C. This is

  ( )7.Welcome _____ our school!

         A.on                  B.in                      C.to

 ( )8.We draw pictures in the _____

          A.music room          B.art room                C.canteen

 ( )9.We can read books in the ______.

          A.library             B.TV room                  C.gym

 ( )10.This is my desk. That is ______ desk.

             A.your             B.you                    C.I

  ( )11.Let’s play         football.   A、the      B、a       C、/

  ( )12. A:    are you?  B:I’m ten.    A、How many  B、How much  C、How old


 ( )1.Go to the teacher’s office.                    A.Water the flowers.

 ( )2. Go to the canteen.                             B. Eat some noodles.

 ( )3. Go to the library.                              C.Play football。

 ( )4. Go to the playground.                           D.Read a story-book.

 ( )5. Go to the garden.                                E.Hand in the homework.


 (    )1.Where is the gym?                         A.Oh. It’s beautiful.

 (   )2.Is this the playground?                     B.Yes, I do.

 (   )3.Do you have a library?                      C.It’s on the first floor.

 (    )4.How many desks are there in your classroom?       D.No, it isn’t.

 (    )5.Look! This is our garden.                  E.There are forty-four.

六、Read and arrange (整理句子,组成一段对话

(        ) Wow! Your school is cool!

(        ) No, it isn’t. it’s the music room. The art room is on the second floor.

(        ) Look, this is my school.

(        ) Oh, it’s so big. Is this the art room?

(        ) Thank you. Look at the playground。


Hello! I’m Zoom. This is my classroom. It’s very big. In the classroom you can see a big board, 2 doors, 6 windows, 10 desks, 20 chairs, 4 pictures and 8 lights. The board is black. The wall is white. The floor is green. My classroom is nice and clean. I like my classroom very much.

(   )1. The classroom is very big.  

(   )2. The board is small.

(   ) 3. There are 6 windows in the classroom.

(   )4. The floor is yellow.    

(   )5. The classroom is nice and clean.


1、an, is, this, apple (.)                        

2、an, is, this, apple (?)                        

3、your, that, bag, is (?)                        

4、your, that, bag, is (.)                        

5、the, on, is, gym, first, the, floor (.)                                                            

6、music, our, beautiful, room, is (.)                                                            

7、a, have, garden, do, you (?)                                                                  

8、school, have, you, at, do, lunch (?)                                                            

9、a, go, have, let’s, and, look (.)                                                                


一、 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。每小题将读两遍。

( C )1. Big letter G.  ( B )2. floor  ( A )3. girl  ( B )4. board ( B ) 5. classmate

( B )6. many   ( A )7. hat   ( B )8.cat   ( B)9. duck   ( B)10. farmer

二、 听录音给图片标出序号,每小题将读两遍。

1. Let me clean the window.

2. Turn on the light, please.

3. This picture is so nice. Let’s put up the picture.

4. A:This is my family picture.    B:Wow,it’s really nice.

5. I have a beautiful flower. Let me put it near the window.

答案:3      4      5      1    2


1. Clean the window.          2. Turn on the light.  

3. Clean the board.           4. Clean the door.

5. Sweep the floor.        


1. Susan put up the picture.

2. Mike open the door.

3. Peter sweep the floor.

4. Jack sweep the floor.

5. Amy clean the board.

五、根据所听句子选出相应答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内. 每小题将读两遍。

(  C.  )1. Where is my seat?

(  A  )2. How many computers? A. Fifteen.  

(  A  )3. Let’s clean the classroom.

(  A  )4. What color is the wall?

(  C  )5. Wow. Your car is really big and cool.


Hello, Mike! Hi, Amy! Mike, we have a new classroom. Let’s go and have a look. Wow ,it’s so big. Where is my seat, Amy? Mike, your seat is near the window. Look, we have twenty new lights. Let’s clean the classroom. OK!






1.When does Mike get up?

A.At 6:30 a.m.         B.At 6:50 a.m.         C.At 7:10 a.m.

2.What day is the next day?

A.Thursday.              B.Friday.          C.Saturday.

3.When does Miss White go home?

A.At 6:30 a.m.         B.At 5:40p.m.         C.At 7:20 p.m.

4.What does Zip do on the weekend?

A.Do homework.         B.Play football.          C.Watch TV.

5.Is Sarah going to visit her grandparents this weekend?

A.Yes,she is.             B.No,she isn\\\\'t.          C.I don\\\\'t know.


1.On the weekend,I often climb the mountains.

2.I usually get up at six from Monday to Friday.

3.Sometimes I visit my grandparents and have dinner with them.

4.I have breakfast at home.Then I do morning exercises at school.


Today I have two exams(考试).I get up at ________ in the morning.I ________ ________ at 8:00 a.m.Then I ________ ________ ________ in the park.At 8:30 a.m.,I go to school.We have Chinese exam from 9:00 to 10:00.At 12:00,I ________ ________ in the canteen.Then we have math exam at 2:00 p.m.After the exam,I ________ ________ on the playground.It\\\\'s nice.I go home at 4:30 p.m.Then I eat dinner quickly.I\\\\'m reading my books now.




A:Hello,Zhang Peng._____1_____

B:I\\\\'m fine,thank you.

A:Today is Saturday._____2_____

B:I often play sports.Sometimes I read some books._____3_____

A:Usually I visit my grandparents._____4_____

B:We can play sports together next Saturday.


A.What do you do on the weekend?

B.Sometimes I play sports,too.

C.How are you today?

D.Good idea!

E.How about you?


1.--When ________ ________ ________ ________?

--I get up at 6:00.

2.--What ________ ________ ________ ________ Saturdays?

--I often go hiking.


Zip:What do you do on the weekend?

Dog:I usually go hiking.Sometimes I play football.And you?

Zip:I often climb mountains.Sometimes I go shopping with Zoom.

Zoom:And I can\\\\'t go shopping with you this weekend.


Zoom:My grandma is ill.I want to visit her.

Dog/Zip:Can I go with you?

Zoom:OK.Thank you!

1.Zip often goes shopping with Zoom.(      )

2.Dog usually goes hiking on the weekend.(     )

3.They\\\\'re going to visit Zoom\\\\'s grandpa this weekend.(     )


Hello! My name is Jenny.I am a nurse.I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.I go to work at 8:00.I often go shopping at 4:20 in the afternoon.I eat dinner at 5:40 p.m.I go to bed at 8:30 in the evening.I often go hiking on the weekend.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

1.What does Jenny do?

2.When does Jenny go to work?

3.Does she eat dinner at 5:40 p.m.?

4.What does she often do on the weekend?



1._________ go to school by bus everyday.

2.When do you _________ breakfast?

3.1 don\\\\'t have _________ computer in my room.

4.I usually do morning exercises _________ 8:30.

5.What do you do on _________ weekend?

6.Mr Wang is our new teacher._________ is very tall.

7.That girl has two eggs in _________ hand.

8._________,it\\\\'s time to say goodbye.



My father _________ _________ to work at seven.


I _________ go _________ on the weekend.


Xiaoming is _________ _________ for school.


My sister _________ _________ the piano after supper.


My mother _________ goes _________ on Sundays.


一.1.A:Hi.John.When do you eat breakfast?

B:I usually eat breakfast at 6:50.

2.A:Good morning! Sarah,when do you have English class?

B:I usually have English class at 10:00.

3.A:Hi,Zhang Peng,when do you play sports?

B:I usually play sports at 3:00 p.m.

4.A:Hi,Chen Jie.When do you eat dinner?

B:I usually eat dinner at 5:30.

5.A:Hello,Mike.When do you do morning exercises?

B:I usually do morning exercises at 7:30.

(1.E    2.B    3.D    4.C    5.A)

二.1.W:Hello,Mike.It\\\\'s a sunny day.When do you get up?

M:I get up at 6:50 a.m.

2.M:Tomorrow is Amy\\\\'s birthday.

W:Really? What day is it today?

M:It\\\\'s Friday.

3.M:Who is your English teacher?

W:Miss White is.She is a good teacher.She goes to work at 7:20 a.m,and goes home at 5:40 p.m.

4.M:Hi,Zip.What do you do on the weekend?

W:I often do my homework.How about you?

M:I often play football.

5.M:Hi,Sarah.What do you do on the weekend?

W:I often play computer on the weekend.But this weekend I am going to visit my grandparents.

(1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A)

三.I usually get up at six thirty from Monday to Friday.I have breakfast at home.Then I do morning exercises at school.On the weekend,I often climb the mountains.Sometimes I visit my grandparents and have dinner with them.

(1.T  2.F  3.T  4.T)

四.Today I have two exams(考试).I get up at 7:30 in the morning.I eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m.Then I do morning exercise in the park.At 8:30 a.m.,I go to school.We have Chinese exam from 9:00 to 10:00.At 12:00,I eat lunch in the canteen.Then we have math exam at 2:00 p.m.After the exam,I play sports on the playground.It\\\\'s nice.I go home at 4:30 p.m.Then I eat dinner quickly.I\\\\'m reading my books now.

五.1.play the piano,go shopping

2.climb the mountains,play sports

3.visit my grandparents,go hiking

六.1.C2.A3.E4.B  5.D

七.1.do you get up  2.do you do on

八.1.T 2.T 3.F

九.1.She\\\\'s a nurse.

2.She goes to work at 8:00./At 8:00.

3.Yes,she does./Yes.

4.She often goes hiking on the weekend.

十.1.We  2.eat  3.a  4.at  5.the  6.He7.her  8.Er

十一.1.always  goes  2.sometimes  swimming  3.never  late4.often  play  5.usually  shopping



Listening Part(听力部分)

一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词。)

(    ) 1. A. big  B. long  C. size       D. short

(    ) 2. A. little    B. taller C. smaller    D. even

(    ) 3. A. thanB. tail C. think    D. tall

(    ) 4. A. cm      B. kg      C. km       D. ton

(    ) 5. A. taller    B. thinner C. younger   D. funnier

二、Listen and judge.(听音,在正确答案上打“√”。) 

三、Listen and choose.(听音,选答语。)

(    ) 1. A. Fine,  thank you.  B. I’m 12.    C. I’m 1.65metres.

(    ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. I’m 1.65metres . C. I’m 47 kg.

(    ) 3. A. 35 tons. B. 76 cm. C. Size 17.

(    ) 4. A. It’s 3600 kg.        B. I’m Li Lei.           C. I’m in Class 2.

(    ) 5. A. They’re 48 yuan.   B. I’m 1.60 meters tall.  C. I wear size 37.

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音填空。)

1. His tail is               .

2. Line up from younger to               .

3. John is               than Jim .

4. My dad is               than me.

5. Who’s               than you ?

Writing Part(笔试部分)

五、Read and write.(下面写出下列单词的比较级。)

young— ____   short— ____     small— ____     strong—___

long—  ____     heavy— ____    funny— ____     happy—____    

sunny— ____   thin—____       big— ____       sad— ____

六、Read and choose.(下面每组单词有一个是不同类的,请选出来。)

(    ) 1. A. younger  B. stronger   C. singer     D. shorter

(    ) 2. A. hand   B. than        C. arm        D. head

(    ) 3. A. funny  B. think     C. kind      D. active

(    ) 4. A. feet   B. leg      C. wear       D. hair

(    ) 5. A. both   B. cm        C. ton         D. kg

七、Read and choose.(单项选择。)

(  ) 1. --- How ______ are you? --- I’m 46 kilograms.

     A. short         B. heavy        C. small

(  ) 2. John is ten years old.  Bob is eleven . Bob is one year       than John.

A. older           B. younger        C.  thinner

(  ) 3. --        is the tree?     ---20m.

A. How much       B. How tall       C. How heavy

(  ) 4. My shoes are size 37. Your shoes are size 39.  Your shoes are ______ than mine.

  A. smaller          B. bigger         C. shorter

(  ) 5. --- I’m 1.65 metres.

    --- I’m 1.59 metres. You are ________ than me.

   A. tall             B. heavier        C. taller

八、Read、choose and fill in the blanks.(选一选,在横线上填上所缺的单词。)

A.  long      B. big      C. heavy     D.  tall         E. old

1. –How __________ are you?        –I’m 162 cm. I’m taller than you now.

2. –How __________ is your brother?     –He’s 46 kg.

3. –How __________ are you?        –I’m 13 years old.

4. –How __________ is your hair?   –It’s 30 cm. My hair is longer than yours.

5. –How __________ are your feet?   – They are 23 cm. My feet are bigger.

九、Fill in the blanks. ( 根据图片提示完成下列句子。)

十、Read and choose.(找一找,根据问句找答语。)

(   )1. How tall are you?           A. Sarah.

(   )2. How heavy is Zhang Peng?    B. Chen Jie’s .

 (   )3. What size are Amy’s shoes?   C. He is 48 kilograms.

 (   )4. Who is younger?            D. I’m 1.63m.

 (   )5. Whose dress is longer?       E. Her shoes are size 7.

十一、Rearrange the words.(连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。)

1. I      1.6      tall     meters      am     (.)


2 . wear,    38    I   size    shoes    in    China    (.)


3.  shoes      size   are     what     your,    (?)


4  you    than    me    heavier     are      (.)


5.  than   It’s   both of    us    taller     together      (.)


十二、Read and write. (读一读,写一写。)

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am in grade 6. I have many friends in my class. John is a smart boy and he is thinner than me. Lily is heavier than me. She is very cute. Zhang Peng is stronger than me and he is very friendly. Mike and Wu Yifan often play together. They are good at sports. Mike’s feet are bigger than Wu Yifan’s, but my feet are smaller than Wu Yifan’s. I love my friends. What about your friends?

1. Tick or cross. (读短文,判断正“√” 误“×”。)

1) Wu Yifan’s feet are smaller than Mike’s.  (    )

2) I’m heavier than lily.                  (    )

3) John is thinner than me.                (    )

4) I’m heavier than Lily.                  (    )

2.Read and write .(读一读,写一写。)

Sarah has many friends. She is _______ than John. Zhang Peng is ______ 、______ Sarah. Lily is ______ 、______ Sarah. Mike’s  feet ________、______Sarah’s. Wu Yifan’s  feet _______ 、_______ 、_______ Mike’s.

十三、 Writing. (写作) 根据图和汉语提示,写出5句正确的话语。

提示语: 我家(family)有五口人(people)。爷爷(grandpa)、爸、妈、妹妹和我。







一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词。)

1. What size are your shoes?  Size 350    

2. I like the little monkey.        

3. The monkey has long tail.      

4. I’m 45 kg.      

5. My math teacher is funnier than  me.

二、Listen and judge.(听音,在正确答案上打“√”。)

1. I’m shorter but stronger. I often do sports on weekend. Who is the boy?

2. The elephant’s ears are bigger than the deer’s. Who has smaller ears?

3. The man is older than the girl.

4. This dog is thin. That dog is heavy. Which dog is thinner?

5. My hair is short. Your hair is long. Whose hair is longer?

三、Listen and choose.(听音,选答语。)

1. How old are you? 2. How tall are you? 3. How long are your legs?

4. How heavy is the big elephant? 5. What size are your shoes?

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音填空。)

1. His tail is shorter.

2. Line up from younger to older.

3. John is heavier than Jim .

4. My dad is stronger than me.

5. Who’s taller than you?



